

开心电玩城:July 16th-Tsinghua Mini-symposium of CryoEM

2013-07-11    Click:

Mini-symposium of CryoEM

Venue: Tsinghua University, New Biology Building RM143

Host: Prof. Senfang Sui and Prof. Hongwei Wang

Tuesday, July 16th , 2013

9:00-9:10 Hong-Wei Wang (Tsinghua University)

Welcome remark of the mini-symposium of CryoEM

9:10-9:55 Sjors Scheres (Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK)

Statistical methods for Cryo-EM: squeezing signal out of noisy images.

9:55-10:40 Xiaochen Bai (Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK)

Cryo‐EM structure of a 3D DNA‐origami object

10:40-11:00 Tea Break

11:00-11:45 Jose M. Carazo (Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, Spain)

Three-dimensional reconstruction in soft X-ray tomography

12:00-1:30 Lunch Break

1:30-2:15 Steven Ludtke (Baylor College of Medicine, USA)

Structural variability and motion of membrane proteins

2:15-3:00 Fei Sun (Institute of Biophysics, China)

Essential roles of terminal residues in the assembly of molecular complex assembly

3:00-3:20 Tea Break

3:20-4:05 Fa Zhang (Institute of Computational Science, China)

An iterative methods in large field electron microscope tomography

4:05-4:50 Hong-Wei Wang (Tsinghua University, China)

Substrate-specific structural rearrangement of human dicer

5:00 End of the Symposium

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