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研究方向 : 
本实验室致力于研究RNA修饰/non-coding RNA的分子调控机制和相关生物功能。开心电玩城运用表观遗传学,分子生物学,结合高通量测序等多种技术手段来探索RNA修饰/ncRNA对于染色质结构和基因转录的新的调控机制,以及相关调控通路在胚胎干细胞分化,抗肿瘤免疫,癌症及衰老中的生物功能。

1. Liu, J.*, Dou, X. Y.*, Chen, C. Y.*, Chen, C., Liu, C., Xu, M. M., Zhao, S. Q., Shen, B., Gao, Y. W., Han, D. L., He, C. N6-methyladenosine of chromosome-associated regulatory RNA regulates chromatin state and transcription. Science 2020, 367, 580-586.

2. Liu, J.*; Luo, G.*; Sun, J.; Men, L.; Ye, H.; He, C.; Ren, D. METTL14 is essential for beta-cell survival and insulin secretion. Biochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Basis Dis. 2019, 1865, 2138-2148.

3. Liu, J.*; Harada, B. T.*; He, C. Regulation of gene expression by N6-methyladenosine in cancer. Trends Cell Biol. 2019, 29, 487-499.

4. Hou, J.*; Zhang, H.*; Liu, J.*; Zhao, Z.; Wang, J.; Lu, Z.; Hu, B.; Zhou, J.; Zhao, Z.; Feng, M.; Zhang, H.; Shen, B.; Huang, X.; Sun, B.; Smyth, M.; He, C.; Xia, Q. YTHDF2 reduction fuels inflammation and vascular abnormalization in hepatocellular carcinoma. Mol. Cancer 2019, 18, 163-179.

5. Han, D*.; Liu, J*.; Chen, C.; Dong, L.; Huang, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Dougherty, U.; Bissonnette, B.; Shen, B.; Weichselbaum, R.; Xu, M.; He, C. Anti-tumor immunity controlled through mRNA m6A and YTHDF1 in dendritic cells. Nature, 2019, 566, 270-274.

6. Liu, J.*; Eckert, M.*; Harada, B.*; Liu, S.*; Lu, Z.; Yu, K.; Tienda, S.; Chryplewicz, A.; Zhu, A.; Yang, Y.; Huang, J.; Chen, S.; Xu, Z.; Leng, X.; Yu, X.; Cao, J.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, J.; Lengyel, E.; He, C. m6A mRNA methylation regulates AKT activity to promote the proliferation and tumorigenicity of endometrial cancer. Nat. Cell Biol. 2018, 20, 1074-1083.

7. Yue, Y.*; Liu, J.*; Cui, X.*; Cao, J.*; Luo, G.; Zhang, Z.; Gao, M.; Shu, X.; Ma, H.; Wang, F.; Shen, B.; Wang, Y.; Feng, X.; He, C.; Liu, J. VIRMA mediates preferential m6A mRNA methylation in 3`UTR and near stop codon and associates with alternative polyadenylation. Cell. Discov. 2018, 4, 10-26.

(*co-authors contributed equally)

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