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1. Liu X.#, Shen J.#, Xie L., Wei Z., Wong C., Li Y., Zheng X., Li P. and Song Y.* (2020) Mitotic implantation of the transcription factor Prospero via phase separation drives terminal neuronal differentiation. Developmental Cell, 52(3), 277-293 [Featured article].

2. Li B.#, Wong C.#, Gao S.M., Zhang R., Sun R., Li Y. and Song Y.* (2018) The retromer complex safeguards against neural progenitor-derived tumorigenesis by regulating Notch receptor trafficking. Elife 2018;7;e38181

3. Xu K., Liu X., Wang Y., Wong C. and Song Y.* (2018) Temporospatial induction of homeodomain gene cut dictates natural lineage reprogramming. Elife 2018;7:e33934

4. Liu K., Shen D., Shen J., Gao S.M., Li B., Wong C., Feng W. and Song Y.* (2017) The super elongation complex drives neural stem cell fate commitment. Developmental Cell, 40(6), 537-551 [Cover article].

5. Liu K., Xu K. and Song Y.* (2019) Faster, Higher, Stronger: Timely and robust cell fate/identity commitment in stem cell lineages. Open Biology, 9: 180243. [Invited review]

6. Lee K.S.#, Wu Z.#, Song Y., Mitra S.S., Feroze A.H., Cheshier S.H., Lu B.* (2013) Roles of PINK1, mTORC2, and mitochondria in preserving brain tumor-forming stem cells in a noncanonical Notch signaling pathway. Genes & Development, 27(24):2642-7 [Cover article]

7. Song Y. and Lu B.* (2011) Regulation of cell growth by Notch signaling and its differential requirement in normal vs. tumor-forming stem cells in Drosophila. Genes & Development, 25(24):2644-2658.

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