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邱义福主要研究免疫与代谢的细胞分子机制及其生理功能,并利用这些知识开发防治肥胖及相关疾病的新策略。邱义福团队综合使用分子、细胞、遗传、代谢和免疫等方法,开展以下研究:1、衰老的免疫调控; 2、能量代谢的免疫调节;3、三色(棕、米、白)脂肪的发育、功能和重塑。作为通讯作者在Immunity, Nature Immunology, Cell Metabolism等杂志发表论文。






1.     Zhou Z, Yao J, Wu D, Huang X, Wang Y, Li X, Lu Q, Qiu Y*. (2024) Type 2 cytokine signaling in macrophages protects from cellular senescence and organismal aging. Immunity (Published online Jan. 22, 2024).

2.     Huang X, Li X, Shen H, Zhao Y, Zhou Z, Wang Y, Yao J, Xue K, Wu D*, Qiu Y*. (2023) Transcriptional repression of beige fat innervation via a YAP/TAZ-S100B axis. Nature Communications, 14(1):7102.

3.     Shen H, Huang X, Zhao Y, Wu D, Xue K, Yao J, Wang Y, Tang N, Qiu Y*. (2022) The Hippo pathway links adipocyte plasticity to adipose tissue fibrosis. Nature Communications, 13(1):6030.

4.     Xue K, Wu D, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Shen H, Yao J, Huang X, Li X, Zhou Z, Wang Z, Qiu Y*. (2022) The mitochondrial calcium uniporter engages UCP1 to form a thermoporter that promotes thermogenesis. Cell Metabolism, 34, 1325-1341.

5.     Yao J, Wu D, Zhang C, Yan T, Zhao Y, Shen H, Xue K, Huang X, Wang Z, Qiu Y*. (2021) Macrophage IRX3 promotes diet-induced obesity and metabolic inflammation. Nature Immunology, 22, 1268-1279.


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