电子邮件: hang.zhang(at)pku(dot)edu(dot)cn;
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生活意味着一次接一次的决策,而决策的难点是权衡一个行为可能带来的奖励和可能包含的不确定性。我从决策的角度研究人的知觉、运动和认知系统中的各种问题。我关注的问题是:人脑在决策中如何表征和计算不确定性? 我将结合行为实验、计算建:湍猿上窦际,从行为、表征与算法、神经基础这三个层面给出答案。
1. Zhang H, Daw ND, Maloney LT. Testing Whether Humans Have an Accurate Model of Their Own Motor Uncertainty in a Speeded Reaching Task. 2013, PLoS Computational Biology, 9(5).
2. Zhang H, Morvan C, Etezad-Heydari L-A, Maloney LT. Very slow search and reach: Failure to maximize expected gain in an eye-hand coordination task. 2012, PLoS Computational Biology, 8(10).
3. Zhang H, Maloney LT. Ubiquitous log odds: a common representation of probability and frequency distortion in perception, action, and cognition. 2012, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6(1).
4. Zhang H, Morvan C, Maloney LT. Gambling in the visual periphery: A conjoint-measurement analysis of human ability to judge visual uncertainty. 2010, PLoS Computational Biology, 6(12).
5. Maloney LT, Zhang H. Decision-theoretic models of visual perception and action. 2010, Vision Research, 50(23).