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小分子RNA介导的RNA干扰 (RNA interference, RNAi) 是真核生物中的一种保守的基因表达调控机制。它在发育调控,抵抗病毒侵染,以及染色质修饰等诸多生物学过程中起到重要的作用。在植物中存在复杂的RNAi通路,其中包括miRNA介导的mRNA靶标切割或翻译抑制和siRNA介导的DNA和组蛋白甲基化进而引起转录水平的基因沉默。最近,开心电玩城实验室发现一类被命名为diRNA的小分子RNAs可在DNA双链断裂修复中起重要作用。
开心电玩城实验室综合遗传学,分子生物学,生物化学和生物信息学的方法,以拟南芥和水稻为模式生物,研究中植物RNAi的作用机理和功能。开心电玩城的主要兴趣包括植物RNAi通路中新组分的鉴定、RNAi组分在不同通路中的特异化、diRNA在DNA双链断裂修复中的作用机制、和各类小分子RNA在植物生理和发育过程中的功能。除小分子RNA外,开心电玩城对植物中长非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA)的作用机制和生物学功能也感兴趣。
1. Ye, R., Wang, W., Iki, T., Liu, C., Wu, Y., Ishikawa M., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y. Cytoplasmic assembly and selective nuclear import of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE4/siRNA complexes. Molecular Cell 46: 859-870,2012.
4. Wang, W., Ye, R., Xin, Y., Feng, X., Li, C., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y. (2011). An Importin β protein negatively regulates microRNA activity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 23: 3565-3576. (Cover story).
5. Wu, L., Zhou, H., Zhang, Q., Ni, F., Liu, C., and Qi, Y. (2010). DNA methylation mediated by a microRNA pathway. Molecular Cell, 38: 465-475 (Cover story). This work was featured in Cell, 141: 556, 2010.
6. Wu, L., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H., Ni, F., Wu, X., and Qi, Y. (2009). Rice microRNA effector complexes and targets. The Plant Cell, 21: 3421-3435.
7. Mi, S., Cai, T., Hu Y., Chen Y., Hodges E., Ni F., Wu L., Li S., Zhou H., Long C., Chen S., Hannon G., and Qi, Y. (2008) Sorting of small RNAs into Arabidopsis Argonaute complexes is directed by the 5’ terminal nucleotide. Cell, 133: 116-127. This work was featured in Cell 133:25-26, 2008.
8. Zhao, T., Li, G., Mi, S., Li, S., Hannon, G., Wang, X.-J., and Qi, Y. (2007). A complex system of small RNAs in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genes and Development, 29: 1190-1203. This work was featured in: Cell 129:1029, 2007; Genes and Development 21: 1153-1156, 2007; Nature 447: 5, 2007; Nature 447: 518, 2007; Nature Review Genetics 8: 406, 2007; ACS Chemical Biology 2: 436-437, 2007 .
9. Qi, Y., He, X., Wang X-J., Kohany, O., Jurka, J. and Hannon, G. (2006) Distinct catalytic and non-catalytic roles of ARGONAUTE4 in RNA-directed DNA methylation. Nature, 443: 1008-1012.
10. Qi, Y., Denli, A. and Hannon, G. (2005). Biochemical specialization within Arabidopsis RNA silencing pathways. Molecular Cell , 19: 421-428.